Friday, January 15, 2016

9 Steps To Make Your Content and Google Reader Liked

Bloggers would often search for information on "how to create content that is preferred by the readers and the ranking well in search engines". It came back again to our goal of building a blog, whether just a place to vent, where poetry, or be used as a commercial business on the internet. If you build a blog for your business, then you should consider some of the steps that I will discuss in this article.

From my experience over several years building a blog for online businesses, building content with SEO goals in the end will not last long in the search engines. In the past, I always follow special tricks in making articles, these tricks taught by many internet marketers. In fact, special tricks are apparently not provide benefits for my blog, because it tends to only target the goal of SEO is to make my blog readers bored.

You've also done so, for example, impose a keyword density (keyword density) in the article, imposing H1 - H2 - H3 should always be the targeted keywords, and others. I never do things like that, and there is no benefit for the long term for my blog for the article as it was not like the reader.

I adapted from, here are nine steps to make your blog content are favored by readers and Google:

1. Writing For Readers and Search Engine Optimization For Robots

Your blog readers certainly do not want to read articles created for SEO purposes, they want to read interesting information from your blog. Even search engines prefer the natural content dibandikan with content created for SEO purposes only.

Even if you write in a natural way the article must still be optimized for search engine robots. Stay focused create articles that became 'flesh and blood' of your blog, and provide assistance in the search engine robots in order to find the content you are.

2. Forget About Keyword Density (Keywords Density)

One SEO myths that often we consider in making an article's content is the density of keywords (keywords density). Some people say that good keywords density is 3% - 5% of the total words in the article, some others say keywords density should range between 1% - 3% of the total words in the article. In fact, Google never mentioned about keywords density.

Obviously we need to include the keywords in the content, or add keywords relevant to the article that we make. But we must use them appropriately, let your content flow naturally. Imposing keywords in the wrong place more often damage the quality of your content, it will not make it better in the search engines.

3. Use the Keyword Relevant and synonyms

You must have heard about Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI). Search engines always connect a keyword with other keywords that are still relevant. Therefore, vary your keywords in your content. By using variations of your keywords, your content will be relevant to the topic you discuss without having to enter the same keywords over and over again.

4. Make A Quality Articles Discussion Topic Depth

Everyone likes to talk to-the-point, directly on the essence. However, if we create a content explaining in depth about a topic, it would be the better course. I personally do not notice the number of words in each article that I made, but usually long and in-depth articles that are usually better position in Google SERP compared with articles short and shallow.

Not that every article with a number of words that would always win in SERP search engine. This is only to illustrate that the quality of the content is very important if you want to get a good ranking in Google. Do not also force myself to make a long article with rambling, make the article in accordance with the facts and in accordance with your knowledge.

5. Use Long Tail Keywords In Title Content

Long title is usually more advantageous in the search engines compared to the content with a title that is too short. Indeed, the title of the long keyword pencarinya usually less than the title with keywords short. But in fact, content with the long title is usually better position in search engines compared with the short title content. In addition, content with the long title and descriptive usually better conversion.

6. Your Audience With Good Response

If you've got a blog audience / readers faithful, then you must be prepared to respond and respond to comments or questions them. Give the answers they need, of course, you will only respond to comments or questions related to your topic. If we look at the SEO side, the involvement of readers in a blog is an advantage.

7. Provide Ease For Your Reader To Spread Your Content

Deploying link your content in social media will provide direct traffic and the impact of good SEO for your blog overall. More and more people spreading your content, the better the results. Therefore, provide social media buttons on your blog for your readers make it easy to spread the articles they like on your blog.

8. Use Google+

Google+ will be even greater role in SEO. In addition, by using Google+ you will get Author Rank and connect with other Google+ users. Author rank is one of the factors in SEO, and in my opinion will be even greater role for SEO in the days to come. So, should you use Google+ from now on, and connect your blog with your Google+ account.

9. Use the Title and Description

Title tags are the first thing that you will be noticed by Google when their robots 'read' your blog. Surely it would be better if the content's title comes with a description of your content, because search engine users will see the title and description of your content in Google SERP. Use a descriptive title and description and invites the audience to reach your site.

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