Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Here's Reasons Why Your Business Need Women

It is common knowledge that, if the business world juxtaposed with the issue of gender equality, then there will be quite noticeable disparity between the roles of men and women in the field on this one. How not, when we see many large enterprises, the majority of the board of directors are becoming the helm of the company controlled by adam.

Conditions like this are already beginning to shift, although not too significant. From previous almost no female representation in the leadership chair a business, now more and more women executives and interpreters involved. 

Beside that, in several studies conducted by non-profit organizations stated that, the role of female employees had a stake big enough for a variety of positive things that arise in a company. Some of the positive impacts, among others, are described in the following article.

1. Provides Potential Emergence Best Talent

In a study conducted by the organization Catalyst in 2011 states that a company that has a number of directors of women fairly big show increased rates of return on sales (ROS) and Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) relatively few percent higher than companies that " deserted "inhabited by women directors.

And we know that both of these is a measure of a company's performance is considered good or not. It is inseparable from the emergence of alternative talent and new ideas that others do not come from the directors of women, but that does not mean men are not creative workers. It seems that it is not excessive, because sometimes with a touch of creativity women a better can be created.

2. Minimize Corporate Spending

Another fact is also expressed by some human resources experts who call that turned out to be the level of turnover or employee turnover at the company is also closely related to their positive view of the climatic diversity of employees. That is, a company that employs the work of men and women in the ideal number, it is deemed more attractive and is comfortable working conditions than companies that do not implement the ideal number between male and female employees.

for those who work in the ideal company will likely continue to survive in the company. It is conceivable, for companies that are not too ideal, many employees are out and certainly give more expenditure for purposes such as installing new jobs, the cost of interviewing, training, severance costs and other expenses.

3. Able to Improve Business Performance

To further enhance the data that has been mentioned before, the fact next revealed from a study in 2008- 2010 by company executives McKinsey & Company which states that companies with diversity ideal between male and female employees are able to produce ROE (Return on Equity) 53% greater, and EBIT (Earnings Before Interest & Tax) 14% better than the business units that do not implement it.

More in detail, diversity is referred to in this study that their female employees and also foreign citizens in member executive team of the company. From there, it is known that the company's business performance could increase more sharply when implementing their diversity.

It is not in spite of the emergence of a variety of different perspectives when there is a "touch" a woman's hand in the business. Further analysis of a holistic or comprehensive can also be raised to solve company problems and eventually produced a brilliant decision.

Their employees or the leadership of women in business, has been proven to provide another atmosphere that is positive for business development. But all of the above data is certainly not always give the same result. The most important thing is when building a business we have to be really good filter with employees or leaders who will run the business.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Business wants to last long? Try The Following Tips

For those of you who currently manage or develop a business, there is certainly a desire in the minds of your business can run in the long term is not just one or two years. Desire like this seems to be a natural thing and it should be owned by every entrepreneur.

The reason, with a strong desire to keep the business in the long term, it could be a benchmark for the start of the seriousness and also your spirit in running the business. But the problem is, to develop a long-term oriented business is not always smooth sailing. There will be a variety of trials and problems that can make your business collapse even in the early days of development.

If you want to have a long-term business, a few tips below might be a very good solution for you to apply.

1. Thinking Things Unexpected

As a businessman, in the habit of thinking a lot of things that might happen is a positive trait that you must have. Endeavor to think the unthinkable can train your brain to get used to thinking about solutions to problems that could come at any time. This kind of issue is particularly frequent in the early years of developing the business.

The tip is, try to think how the worst that can appear on your business. From there try to log the problem and find a solution with the easiest way. Such market problems, if the products you offer have a niche market that is relatively low, try to develop their own market. Make something new to attract consumers, it may not be for some time but the market will be established and will benefit some future time.

Another way that you can take that to make a business plan or business plan. With the business plan we can elaborate with details about the many variables that affect our business. These variables can be opportunities, potential, competition as well as many other things that arise in the future. The more thoroughly you prepare the business plan, the better the effect on the fate of the future of your business.

2. Diligent Glancing Activities Competitors

Next tip to have a long-term business that is not bored to study the activity of your business competitors. Business competitor can sometimes also be a tool for us to plan something in the future. Because we often business competitors are already finding alternative ways or strategies that are better than us.

Our task was, continues to observe the movement of business competitors and try to analyze what kind of strategies they employ and finally succeeded. ATM method or observe imitate modification you can apply to explore the various things such as product marketing to #strategi applied by competitors.

But the thing to remember is, you have to focus on the development of your own business, do not get too hung up on a competitor's business. Continue to increase services, marketing and also do not forget about the quality of your product.

3. Take advantage of Online Marketing Facility

Nowadays everything has begun to shift from offline marketing style to online marketing. Even for a wide range of products that were once considered less fit when sold online, has now been sold via the internet. So there is no reason for you not to use the facility of online marketing as one of your sales strategy.

Speaking of online marketing, the simplest example of selling through social media. Social media is a virtual gathering place for the community can certainly be a strategic location for you to introduce your business. If we already have a base of online brand, then gradually will form a strong foundation for our business in the future.

The reason is, with their brand online business, you could say could last longer than the offline business assets. Not to mention in terms of speed of information dissemination, online marketing course offers far greater potential. On the other hand, is currently marketing online utilize the facilities we also do not need to spend too deep. For those who already have basicnya, can even perform independently.

To have a business with a long-term vision, of certainly require a long time. The process for managing business foundation requires effort and consistency of yourself as a business owner. Are you ready to run all that?

Monday, January 25, 2016

Tired of Working Hard, Maybe You Need to Do This

Wherever you work, do business or are running a business, hard work is the key in achieving success. Without the hard work, it's hard for everyone to achieve success. Hard work requires high energy, not everyone can do. But with the ongoing exercise, then you can apply the discipline and could become a workhorse in every thing your field.

Capabilities and manpower of course there are limits, we must work hard, but very human if you ever get tired of doing it. When you start to feel tired and bored with the hard work that you do, then there are several ways you can do to overcome it. Listed below are a few tips that hopefully light can dispel your fatigue when working hard.

1. Disclose Your feelings tell you the truth

Express feelings honestly with highly effective as a way of eliminating the tired and weary. If you feel tired, there is no harm in trying to express your feelings to someone else, the wife, girlfriend or close friend of yours.

If you still feel shy to express your feelings honestly, try to grab a piece of paper and write everything that comes into your mind. Write all your feelings about your work life in office, the more you faster honest with yourself, it will be sooner fatigue and boredom you will be overcome.

2. Seek Inspiration From Success Stories

When fatigue began to come to you, then one way you can do to remove them is to look for new inspiration. Try to read or watch the story of successful people. Understood better their success stories from zero, absorb and then use as the inspiration for you through a job or even your life.

Many of the stories of successful people that can actually succeed and become successful after receiving a barrage of pressure. Stories of successful people we can make a good lesson to motivate themselves.

3. Provide Special Time For Your Personal Life

When you've been feeling very tired, then try to give it a special time for yourself. Take time to mingle with the people closest to you, please do not forget them. Try to spend time with his children, wife or also parents to just enjoy life and frolic with them.

Trust me, spend time having fun with them will provide tremendous energy on you. Feeling happy with them will in itself provide encouragement multiplied to you to then increase back your work ethic.

4. Arrange Activity Fun In The Workplace

If your office is tired and really tired, then there is no harm in trying to jot down some of the fun activities you can do in the office. Light things such as just drink coffee and chat with friends will be able to provide freshness to your brain.

Arrange the little things outside of your work schedule, it would mean so much to lighten your load a little bit of office work is very draining. Maximize your rest time to do things that are fun.

5. Maybe The Right Time To Rest a moment

If all you've done to dissipate your fatigue in hard work but it does not work, maybe you need a short break. You can take time off to rest a few days and freed from the demands of the drudgery. Try to enjoy your life, go sightseeing or traveling to some place fun. Forget for a moment your workload.

Indulge yourself to be a little forget workload in the office. When you're on vacation, so do not let your mind focused on the job. Just enjoy the holiday you are living, because your mind is still remembered on the job, then you certainly can not rest with the maximum.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Here's Proof Why You Need Co-founder To Build A Big Business

If we review the establishment of a company, maybe we will often hear the term Co-founder. Co-founder is someone who works together with the main founder in building a business from the beginning until the company's success. By having a co-founder of the right, it is not likely a business is able to go faster than run by a single leader.

The success story several large companies in the world, we can also have some business lessons on the importance of having a co-founder who not only have the skill but a willingness to evolve in tandem. And here are some examples of team founder and co-founder, is able to draw on a slick cooperation to obtain a resounding success.

1. Steve Jobs And Steve Wozniak

Couple founder and Co-founder can make our first inspiration was the founder of a technology company #Apple, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Who is not familiar with the name of Steve Jobs, the man known as one of the most important inventors in the history of the technology industry, has been able to get a remarkable success thanks to his Apple business enterprise.

However, this success would not have been possible without the assistance and co-operation with the Co-founder Steve Wozniak. At first the duo Steve first met at an event held by the company Hewlett Packard co. In the event, Steve Wozniak was already working in a company that produces some devices this technology.

After holding talks, they both feel se-vision and wanted to build a company together. With an initial capital of the joint fund, Apple began to grow to this day is known as the world's top technology companies.

Steve Wozniak person's contribution is quite large even though his name is not as famous as Steve Jobs. He is the brain behind the birth of the first personal computer manufactured by Apple. In addition, loyalty co-founder of this one can also be thumbs up. Thanks to the cooperation keduanyalah, Apple now occupies a position that is well-established.

2. Bill Gates And Steve Ballmer

Microsoft probably already too familiar juxtaposed with the name Bill Gates. It is not an exaggeration to say that, because Bill Gates is the founder and still the leader of Microsoft today. But when was the first time to build a business, Bill Gates also received considerable assistance from the Co-foundernya Steve Ballmer.

They first met at Harvard University in 1970. However, only in 1980, Ballmer Microsoft officially entered in the company held the position of manager. At that time he get a salary of around US $ 500.00. His job who heads several crucial departments such as the Microsoft Windows operating system and Microsoft Office software, did not deserve to be a very solid springboard for his career.

With the help of Ballmer, Bill Gates was also able to expand the market and dominate the competition more quickly. Ballmer also the position where the upper hand, when replacing Bill Gates as CEO in 2000. From there, the role of co-founder run by Steve Ballmer in fact greatly affected Microsoft's business trip.

3. Sergey Brin and Larry Page

Still struggling in the technology industry, this time we turn on the search engine giant company #Google. Familiarly known as Google Gang, they are the founder partner and co founder of Google, Sergey Brin and Larry Page.

In 1996, the couple began to build Google's business from scratch. Starting as a research project for their PhD program at Stanford University, in fact, the project is able to evolve into a company with a valuation even billions of dollars today.

Cooperation between the founder and co Founder very visible from a combination of ideas and innovations hatched by both. As proof, when the search engine services that they make begin to be profitable, they both complement each other to create new services as one of the most successful that the acquisition of video sharing site #youtube.

And in 2004, the success both as Google shares soared after otherwise go public. Although currently occupies a different position in the body of the parent company, Alphabet, but the cooperation between the founder and Co-founder remains a familiar look in between.

Friday, January 15, 2016

9 Steps To Make Your Content and Google Reader Liked

Bloggers would often search for information on "how to create content that is preferred by the readers and the ranking well in search engines". It came back again to our goal of building a blog, whether just a place to vent, where poetry, or be used as a commercial business on the internet. If you build a blog for your business, then you should consider some of the steps that I will discuss in this article.

From my experience over several years building a blog for online businesses, building content with SEO goals in the end will not last long in the search engines. In the past, I always follow special tricks in making articles, these tricks taught by many internet marketers. In fact, special tricks are apparently not provide benefits for my blog, because it tends to only target the goal of SEO is to make my blog readers bored.

You've also done so, for example, impose a keyword density (keyword density) in the article, imposing H1 - H2 - H3 should always be the targeted keywords, and others. I never do things like that, and there is no benefit for the long term for my blog for the article as it was not like the reader.

I adapted from, here are nine steps to make your blog content are favored by readers and Google:

1. Writing For Readers and Search Engine Optimization For Robots

Your blog readers certainly do not want to read articles created for SEO purposes, they want to read interesting information from your blog. Even search engines prefer the natural content dibandikan with content created for SEO purposes only.

Even if you write in a natural way the article must still be optimized for search engine robots. Stay focused create articles that became 'flesh and blood' of your blog, and provide assistance in the search engine robots in order to find the content you are.

2. Forget About Keyword Density (Keywords Density)

One SEO myths that often we consider in making an article's content is the density of keywords (keywords density). Some people say that good keywords density is 3% - 5% of the total words in the article, some others say keywords density should range between 1% - 3% of the total words in the article. In fact, Google never mentioned about keywords density.

Obviously we need to include the keywords in the content, or add keywords relevant to the article that we make. But we must use them appropriately, let your content flow naturally. Imposing keywords in the wrong place more often damage the quality of your content, it will not make it better in the search engines.

3. Use the Keyword Relevant and synonyms

You must have heard about Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI). Search engines always connect a keyword with other keywords that are still relevant. Therefore, vary your keywords in your content. By using variations of your keywords, your content will be relevant to the topic you discuss without having to enter the same keywords over and over again.

4. Make A Quality Articles Discussion Topic Depth

Everyone likes to talk to-the-point, directly on the essence. However, if we create a content explaining in depth about a topic, it would be the better course. I personally do not notice the number of words in each article that I made, but usually long and in-depth articles that are usually better position in Google SERP compared with articles short and shallow.

Not that every article with a number of words that would always win in SERP search engine. This is only to illustrate that the quality of the content is very important if you want to get a good ranking in Google. Do not also force myself to make a long article with rambling, make the article in accordance with the facts and in accordance with your knowledge.

5. Use Long Tail Keywords In Title Content

Long title is usually more advantageous in the search engines compared to the content with a title that is too short. Indeed, the title of the long keyword pencarinya usually less than the title with keywords short. But in fact, content with the long title is usually better position in search engines compared with the short title content. In addition, content with the long title and descriptive usually better conversion.

6. Your Audience With Good Response

If you've got a blog audience / readers faithful, then you must be prepared to respond and respond to comments or questions them. Give the answers they need, of course, you will only respond to comments or questions related to your topic. If we look at the SEO side, the involvement of readers in a blog is an advantage.

7. Provide Ease For Your Reader To Spread Your Content

Deploying link your content in social media will provide direct traffic and the impact of good SEO for your blog overall. More and more people spreading your content, the better the results. Therefore, provide social media buttons on your blog for your readers make it easy to spread the articles they like on your blog.

8. Use Google+

Google+ will be even greater role in SEO. In addition, by using Google+ you will get Author Rank and connect with other Google+ users. Author rank is one of the factors in SEO, and in my opinion will be even greater role for SEO in the days to come. So, should you use Google+ from now on, and connect your blog with your Google+ account.

9. Use the Title and Description

Title tags are the first thing that you will be noticed by Google when their robots 'read' your blog. Surely it would be better if the content's title comes with a description of your content, because search engine users will see the title and description of your content in Google SERP. Use a descriptive title and description and invites the audience to reach your site.

6 Ways To Make Content More SEO Blog

Many bloggers are not too concerned about SEO (search engine optimization) or do not even know about SEO. They usually write the content regardless of the key points in their content that can affect the SERP in Google or other search engines, bloggers may include you. For people who are unfamiliar with SEO activities, they will usually write the content longer than with other bloggers who do not care about SEO for SEO experts are always paying attention to many factors before publish content ... sometimes their own dizzy hehehe...

I am not trying to invite you to become a 'blogger SEO', tp just sharing some tips to maximize your content in search engines. Here are 6 ways to make content more SEO blog:

1. Create Original Content and Quality

If we talk about SEO then it would be related to the quality and originality of the content. If we create a blog that just copy paste content from other sources, most likely our blog will be subject to penalties. Ga believe? Try just copy the content on this blog and post on your blog, see the results in a few months.

Then, the original content was what if the topic turns've written a lot of the same people. We could write the same topic by topic in the blogs of others, but we certainly have a style of their own language, it does not matter. Then a quality article that is how? Blog content is usually in the form of articles, pictures, and videos, or it could be just one of them. As long as your content provides useful information and is liked by the readers then it is arguably the content quality. We do not have too mikirin about the number of words in an article content, which is important readers love, already sorted out. But we have to remember, this is not right for blog content like twitter micro blog that only offer 140 characters For 1 content, so yes the number is said to be more (300 - 1000+ words)

2. Insert Picture / Video Relevant

Like a garden without flowers is what happens when an article in the blog no pictures or video. Pictures can indeed represent words, but pictures without words like singing alone in the silent night (sorry to digress a little nih hehehe). Thus, articles and pictures should always be together in our content, it is better if there is a relevant video. For images, do not forget to provide ALT tags (alternative) on the image with keywords that match the topics in the article. This is the goal for the image optimization in search results on search engines.

3. Create a Title and Meta Description Articles

Title / Title SEO articles is very important for a blog because the title is the initial information about the content of the article to be made. Make the title descriptive and can represent the topic of the content to be created, and make sure it also contains important keywords. In addition to containing a keyword, it's good title can also attract the attention of potential readers from search engines like Google. A simple example, how 1: Creating a blog on WordPress, compare them to 2: How to Make a Blog on WordPress With Easy and Fast. Of course, the title of which is made by two more attractive for potential readers, so most likely the person who clicks on the search engine becomes greater.

Meta description is one way for search engines such as Google quickly identify the topic of the article we write. So be sure to always write a description of your article every time creating content on the blog. Usually the search engines read only 160 characters from the description, so do not forget to include keywords in the topic of the article made it in 160 characters.

4. Use Tags Naturally

Blogger beginners who do not understand about the function tag and does not know the 'ferocity' Google lately, definitely choose to enter a keyword and tag as many even put unnecessary tags into their content. Tags on the content aims to show the topic of content created, well, if the tag is inserted huge numbers this will make the content we do not focus and as SPAM. For a content will be better when we enter a maximum of 5 tags alone who is actually related to the article created.

5. Enter Keywords Naturally

Just as tags, incorporate keywords into the content is important for SEO. But note to enter keywords that are related to the topics created. Enter keywords naturally into your content, ranging from the first paragraph to the last paragraph. Do not include too many keywords in the content as it will be considered as the keywords stuffing or SPAM.

6. Make Link To Related Pages

A link to related pages - be it internal or external - is one good way to increase the SEO of a page of content. By creating a link to another page whose contents are still in touch means your content comes with reference links that make your content more comprehensive.

In my opinion, 6 tips to make it more SEO blog content above is a very simple and powerful enough to improve the on page optimization blog content. Perhaps some people have different ways or are still ways in addition to those mentioned above.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Why Your SEO Strategy Fails?

Here are some reasons why SEO strategy that you apply do not work or even leave a bad impact on your website:

1. Your Website Suck

This is the reality that often occurs in the algorithm era google google panda and penguin! Now this is not just about SEO backlinks are many but more than that, now google bot also look at the quality of your website. You must have quality content to be able to win the attention of google. In addition Google also pay attention to user activity on your website and social media. If you do not have a preferred content your users or display and navigation is ugly, chances are your website will get in trouble in the SERP, especially google.

2. Using The Old SEO Tactics

Search engine algorithms google or other search engines are constantly changing from time to time, because it was done SEO tactics also changed from time to time in line with changing search engine algorithms. SEO campaign is not uptodate can adversely affect the SERP (Search Engine Result Page) website, always doing SEO campaign up to date to keep your website SERP position.

3. Choosing Your Niche The Too Hard

Choosing a niche that is too hard is a risk to your business because you will definitely deal with other competitors who may have been very popular with the niche. You will be competing with websites large and well-known brands that are trusted by the search engines, you may feel ready to compete but this will be something that makes you frustrated, and you should be ready with it.

4. You Do not Have Tools To Analyze Website and Track Your Goal

Maybe you do not want to be bothered to install the analysis tools in your website, but how can you know your website traffic and your goal is achieved if the web is not installed tools to analyze it? Installing Google Analytics on your website is a must if you want to succeed in your SEO campaign, so that you know what your goals are achieved and what strategy is suitable for your SEO campaign.

5. Focus Keywords Your Site Too Narrow

Focus on a niche is a good choice, but if you choose keywords (keywords) that are too narrow or rarely sought through search engine traffic then most likely you will also get very little. You need a little expand keywords your site to get the opportunity to reach a wider audience, but still remains on your niche.

6. Build Backlinks With The Wrong Way

Build backlinks is something that is recommended for SEO activity, we all agree on this! But the panda and penguin algorithm era, you are not advised to build backlinks to the old way they pleased. You may never be tempted by backlinks service that offers 10,000 backlinks in a short time and just pay Rp 100,000, - WOW! If you've used the service during the panda and penguin, I can guess the results ... most likely your SEO campaigns fail! To build a healthy backlinks to your website, you must pay attention to the quality of backlinks, and should look natural.

7. You Do not Use Social Media

I believe that almost everyone has social media accounts such as twitter, facebook, pinterest, google plus, and others. If you have a website but do not have one social media accounts, I think this is a big mistake ... it too! If you are doing the SEO campaign and thought I could win the competition SEO without using social media, then I can say that you're a fool of yourself!

8. No Patience

It is unfortunate that the SEO process does not happen quickly. You do all the effort in the right way but maybe the results you expect are not visible in a matter of days or weeks or even months. There is no definite time when SEO campaign you will see the results, but I say that the effort is right and patience is a must done by a webmaster, even when you do not get results in time you should still do your SEO as well as possible.

Friday, January 8, 2016

8 Simple Steps To Maximize A Website SEO

If you own a business and want to market it online, then one of the very effective marketing strategy today is that using a search engine, such as Google. If your website / blog in the top 10 Google search results for the keywords that you aim, you can bet that your visitors will come from search engines and most likely they will buy a product or use a service that you sell through your website. Marketing through search engine optimization as a marketing techniques arguably the most elite and effective because it is free and conversions are usually high.

to help your website in the top 10 Google search results, not an easy thing ... hum is not too difficult, too. Already a lot of information on the Internet that discuss tips and tricks so that an optimal site in search engines, especially Google. Some information there that provide tips On Page optimization and some are giving tips Off Page optimization. I tried to summarize in broad outline, what needs to be done to maximize the SEO (search engin optimization) a website / blog.

Here are 8 steps that must be done to optimize the SEO of a website:

1. Keyword Research

When you make a website for your business, you certainly do not make it just like that without a plan. The first step is very important and you need to do is find out what people are typing a keyword in the search engine Google to find the information they need. How to? You can research keywords using the Google Adwords: Keyword Tools, the service is provided by Google for free.

2. Use Domain Containing Keyword

Once the algorithm updates penguin ago some people say that the keywords on domain is a bad thing because it could be considered spam by search engines. I am not a master SEO or have a super expertise in the SEO world, but I quite understand that in the world of online marketing is a lot of people say things that are not as though they most certainly understand many things about SEO.

Actually domain must contain key words, it is not a necessity. But by entering keywords in the domain of course will help the search engine to determine the focus of the website created. For example create a web of SEO services provider or backlink services, could use a domain,,,, and others. While examples of domains that do not use keywords on domain typically is a website companies, eg,,,,, and others.

In essence keywords on domain is never harmful to your website, it only applies to sites of SPAM, and of course you do not plan to make a SPAM site, right? So, using specific keywords in your site's domain is a good thing, oh yes I suggest to use appropriate extensions to the core business, for example dot com extension for commercial sites.

3. Use Platforms Right For Your Website

Actually, no matter want to build your site using your preferred platform. However, if you want to create a site that Google friendly and user friendly then the WordPress platform is the best choice. In the WordPress platform we can also install various plugins that can help SEO activities and also helps to see the site in order to look better.

4. Use Permalinks Good

Make sure each of your posts permalink post title karenan contain permalinks were both very helpful in your seo activities. That is why I suggest using the WordPress platform because it will be easier to change the setting permalinks in WordPress. To post permalinks setting I usually use a custom structure like this /% postname% / or /%postname.html

5. SEO Plugins

As I said earlier, the excess can be installed plugins WordPress is a support that can help your site SEO. Some WordPress plugins that greatly help SEO your website is:
- WP Yoast SEO or All In One SEO Pack
- Google XML Sitemaps
- SEO Friendly Images
- And others (to be discussed next dipostingan)

6. Quality of Content

There is some debate about quality content is like, some say "the article at least 500 words," and some say "the article at least 700 words", the fact is there is nothing better than an original content. Create content for your readers, how to make your readers want to read all your content continuously. As already presented by the google itself that content is KING, then you should still update your site with original and interesting content for your readers.

7. Use Social Media

Era of digital technology today who does not know twitter, facebook, Google plus, and others ... at least would know one of them. If you're reading this article and have not had one social media accounts, I think it was something "extraordinary" - indeed too: P. For owners of the site, have a twitter account and facebook is a must. Social media is not only going to help the SEO of your website, but will also increase visitors to your website.

8. Build Backlinks

Search engine algorithms will always change from time to time, but the important thing will never change in SEO is backlinks. The important thing to keep our attention when building backlinks for a website is build backlinks berkualiats. Use your spare time to build quality backlinks and needs to be carried out continuously with gradual.

8 steps above is a strategy to maximize the SEO of a website and must be applied when you want to get the attention of search engines, especially Google. If you can not do the above or do not have the time to do it, you should hire a webmaster who know about SEO.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

What are the SEO Activities?

If you read my previous article, namely "200 Factors Affecting Website Ranking in Google," you may be disgusted or afraid of doing SEO campaign for your website because it looks complicated. Do not have to like it, let's make more simple. In the SEO strategy, there are two things that must be done IMPORTANT by an internet marketer, namely: SEO On Page and SEO Off Page.

1. What is SEO On Page

On Page SEO is a website optimization efforts made on the side of the website itself. In other words, the optimization efforts undertaken by a website owner / webmaster to design a website that is SEO Friendly. Some of the important elements contained in SEO On Page, among others:

  • Research keywords, read the article "How to Research Keywords With Google Keyword Planner" to find the main keywords and the keywords most relevant support to the niche website to be created.
  • Build a website with good structure, it looks interesting, and load it quickly
  • Using Title Tag that is good for the homepage and content titles
  • Add a description that is relevant to the website
  • Build useful content for the audience
  • Set the URL (permalinks) SEO Friendly
  • Using Heading well (H1, H2, H3, H4)
  • Set the best possible web site navigation
  • Build internal links
  • Adding keywords on the naming of images / image
  • And others

2. What is SEO Off Page

Off Page SEO is website optimization efforts conducted by external website built. A web page SEO On Page was already a great need to be supported by the optimization of the outside of the website itself. Off page optimization is done by building links (backlinks) from other sites to the website optimized. Some types of links are commonly built to increase the popularity of a website on the internet, among others:

  • Links from social media (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Youtube, etc.)
  • Links of web 2.0 properties (Blogspot, WordPress, Weebly, and others)
  • Links from an online forum (Kaskus, sociable, Forum Seconds, Compass Forum, and others)
  • Links from social bookmarking sites (,,, and others)
  • Links of activity blogwalking (commented on another blog)
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Monday, January 4, 2016

What are the Benefits and Advantages of SEO For A Business?

All businesses should definitely have a profit, right? Various ways entrepreneurs to improve their company's profits, either by doing offline marketing as well as through internet marketing. Here are some benefits of SEO in online marketing business:

1. Bring Potential to Business Website Traffic

As mentioned earlier that the web page optimized well in terms of SEO will get good rankings in the search engines as well, for example #Google. The better the position of your website pages on Google the opportunity to get visitors (traffic) will be even greater potential. Potential visitors is what will be a prospective customer of your business.

Why do I mention traffic from Google is a potential traffic? Not all traffic sources provide benefits for your business, especially if the traffic comes from the auto surf websites that provide bot visitor to your website. Traffic is totally of no use for the development of your business, trust me!

Google users type keywords usually unique as they search for the products they need, or find helpful information to provide solutions to their problems. Well when they find your business website through Google which incidentally always displays search results based on keywords, then most likely they will become customers because they use keywords that are relevant to your business. Potential traffic will continuously come to your website for free and will help increase the number of customers and sales of your business.

2. Increase Brand Awareness Your Business

Brand awareness is the ability of prospective buyers or consumers to recognize and remember the brand. The more famous a brand on a particular niche then chances intensity will also increase sales. Actually there are many ways to increase brand awareness of a business. One is with a website in search engine optimization (SEO).

When Internet users search for information related to your niche through Google and find useful information on your website then they will likely remember web pages that provide valuable information, namely your website. More and more people are opening your website from the search engines then your business brand also automatically will be more famous, at least among Internet users.

3. Get Your Customer Data to Guide

Many online entrepreneurs are willing to spend a lot of money to advertise in various media advertising with the aim to get the contact information (email, phone number, address, and more) loyal customers and prospective customers or their business. What are the benefits of this contact data? By knowing the data and prospective customers it will be easier to contact them when we issue new products or would like to give special promotional offers to sell old products. In essence, we are still able to connect with the customer at all times.

When your website in the top position in the search engines then it will be easier to get the customer data, and of course free. Surely we need another service to store customer data base, such as an autoresponder service to build an email list of our customer.

Actually there are many more benefits of SEO for your business, and I think three points above is the most important. Each person will feel the benefits of SEO to their business when've experienced it myself, that surely your business will be more stable if your website optimized well in the search engines.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

What is SEO ???

Most of us must have known what it was SEO (Search Engine Optimization). SEO is a series of efforts made by a webmaster on a website which aims to increase the visibility of a web page to be better in the search engines, especially Google. Page websites that have a good ranking on Google search pages will certainly be an opportunity to get more potential visitors continuously for free.

When we type a keyword on Google search pages, we will see a list of websites related to that keyword. Page website / blog is optimized well and are at the top sequences (positions 1-4) will usually get more visitors compared to a website that was at the bottom of the search results. We need to consider, I mean with the website / blog that is optimized well in terms of SEO is a website that is in the order above the organic search results (Organic Search), not websites that advertise on Google (Google Ads). View image below :

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Tips Advertise on Google Adwords

Google Adwords is a paid advertising service provided by Google. As the world's largest search engine (for now), #Google be the right place to put our business advertisements. With memanfaatkaan keywords searched in search engines, Google returns the ads that match the keyword. so, then the target ads more precisely than with other types of advertising.

In Google Adwords, we can outsource either pictures or written. Create ads with a few lines of this word that had always been an art in itself. Not everyone can assemble words to invite them to click on that ad. Despite the short notice, but the difficulty in merangkainya very high. In addition to having its own art, copy writing course should represent from ads attached it. If it does not represent the ad, the ad targets will be missed from the initial target desired.

Tips Advertise on Google Adwords

That is why in this discussion, we will discuss how advertising tips on Google Adwords by making your ad text more effective. But before stepping into this issue, it would be useful to know some of the policies implemented by Google Adwords in the ad text.

There are several things that must be considered before we write ad copy for Google Search. The Regulation consists of four main parts:
  1. Title (headline title) only allowed 25 characters including spaces.
  2. To browse ads (line description), which consists of two lines, should only be filled to 35 characters including spaces.
  3. To display the URL that will bring forward a link to our website, should only be filled to 35 characters including spaces.
  4. While the complete destination URL as a link that will drive visitors after clicking the ad was only allowed as many as 1024 characters including spaces.

After that we also need to understand the policy implemented by Google Adwords. This is noteworthy because if we break it, we pasa ads will be banned permanently. More details any rules, can be found in the Google Adwords.

The next step after megetahuip basic rules of writing and what the Google Adwords policies, is to make text that will be installed in the ad. before stringing words, here are some tips to advertise in Google by using the magic of words.

1. Note Relevance

The first tip that text ads according to the target is relevance. This relevance should dipertahakan between the content of the text, landing page, adgroups and keywords we are targeting. That way, the ad will be in accordance with the target we want. To facilitate pemahannya, consider the example below:

We build an online store that sells children's clothes. Then we make one group of keywords that contains about children dress girl. Afterwards paired ad text must be in accordance with key words such as, "Promo 50% discount Hot girls cute dress!" Then, when a visitor clicks on the ad, it will be redirected to our website which contains the clothes girls.

 2. Right Target Information

As media campaigns, then became the first window to provide information to the buyer. A short but clear information so that we should show that they are not confused. In the ad text, write some important information, unique and excellence of the product.

The information can we enter is the product details, benefits the use of the product, such as a discount or special offer free postage, as well as the advantages of the product compared to other products. Due to the number of characters is limited, this is where our skills in assembling a short word but represents the purpose of this advertisement conveyed properly.

3. Persuasion

Online ads that fit is there persuasive message or call to action. In other words, when it clicks on the ad, we should be able to invite them to perform the next action of buying goods that we advertise. In order to facilitate understanding, the following sentence examples peruasif in advertising, "pretty clothes free shipping, a limited promo today!"

4. Do Rotation

Make several text ads and advertise at the same time. Consider the performance of each ad, after a week's take a look at the performance of those ads. Then choose where the ads that most attract visitors and generate sales conversions. While the ads do not deliver results, better replaced or pause pause the ad.